Here at Ronnie and Mel Ministries, it is our passion to provide you with all the tools and resources you need to find God and walk with Jesus in your everyday life. We pray that these resources are a blessing to you and help you on your journey to grow spiritually as a Christian or as someone who wants to begin their relationship with God!
Mornings with Mel is a daily devotional style podcast to help you know God, love God, and live your life for Christ. Click here to subscribe to it on your favorite podcast platform.
Teaching Videos
And we actually are “Christian YouTubers” as well, where we use video to teach people about the Bible and the Christian life and reach people with The Gospel all over the world. You can watch our videos right here, or find them on our YouTube Channel.

Recommended Resources
We have complied our favorite recommended resources for each topic just for you. These include Bibles, Books, and more that will help you grow in your relationship with God! Check out all our favorites here.