Teaching Videos
How to be Faithful / Mornings with Mel
When God Leaves the 99 to Find the ONE! Mornings with Mel!
The God Who WILL Provide ALL You Need / Mornings with Mel
Casting Your Cares Upon Jesus / Mornings with Mel
You Become What You BEHOLD! Mornings with Mel!
The God Who Came for Sinners Mornings with Mel
Dealing with Disappointment! Mornings with Mel
When God Feels Absent in the Waiting! Mornings with Mel
The TRUTH Will Set You Free! Mornings with Mel
How to Conquer Comparison in Our Callings/ Mornings with Mel
How to live the Christian life! Staying connected to Jesus!
Faith over Fear! Taking a step of Faith!
The God Who is WILLING to Cleanse Us! Mornings with Mel
What Are You Putting Your Hope In?
When You Don't Feel Qualified to be Used by God...